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CLC Gardens – July 2018

by CLC Content Manager

Tim Weiland’s iPhone photos. ” ngg_triggers_display=”never” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]

Rev. Dr. David Rowold Ready To Lead Cheshire Lutheran Church

by CLC Website Admin

Cheshire Lutheran Church has been without a minister since the retirement of the Reverend Charles Gustafson in May of 2017.  Since then, our congregation has been served by visiting pastors of the New England District of the Lutheran Church.  On Sunday afternoon, February 25, at 3:00 p.m., our congregation will welcome and install our new […]

Parsonage Remodeling – 2017

by CLC Content Manager

Huge remodeling effort to prepare the parsonage for a new Pastor and family. Many volunteers from our congregation put in hundreds of hours, to make this a nice place to live. Thank you to all who helped Click Here to watch the 7 1/2 min. video.

Baptism of Nora Grace Bencivenga – July 9, 2017

by CLC Content Manager

The Rite of Holy Baptism for Nora Grace Bencivenga. Rev. William Meyer, officiating. ” ngg_triggers_display=”never” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] Photos by Beth Soulier.

CLC Memorial Bell 50th Anniversary

by CLC Content Manager

Dedicated to Gary Richards, Cheshire’s first casualty to the Viet Nam War. His parents were original members of Cheshire Lutheran Church. Click Here to view the 5 min. presentation. Original project assistance by Eagle Scout, William Caron. Photos, poem, narration and vision by Tim Weiland. Bible verses selected by Pastor Gustafson. Hymnal versus selected by […]

Pastor Gustafson’s Retirement Luncheon – April 30, 2017

by CLC Content Manager

Honoring Rev. Charles Gustafson for his 22 years of faithful service at Cheshire Lutheran Church and wishing he and Kathy a happy and healthy retirement. ” ngg_triggers_display=”never” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]Photos by Tim Weiland.